Irrigation Services

Common Issues With Irrigation Systems and Repair Options in Roseburg

Making sure your irrigation system is functioning at an optimal level is key to maintaining a healthy and beautiful lawn. At Carol’s Colors Landscaping, we provide regulatory maintenance services aimed at keeping all of your gardening and landscaping functions in working order. Depending on the nature of the issue, our team of developers can provide troubleshooting services to help diagnose the problem with your irrigation system and get it back to working order.

Irrigation: How Does It Work?

The most common form of watering for many landscape systems is underground irrigation, which uses networks of tubes embedded in the soil to disperse water through protruding sprinklers spread across your lawn. Along with a supply pipe hooked up to your home water source and a valve box, which acts as a control panel that houses each zone valve in your main system, irrigation systems are set on a timed-release system that automatically knows when to water your garden.

Troubleshooting for Irrigation Issues

As with any system, the possibility of problems arising should be an expected part of the use of one of these systems. At Carol’s Colors, the most common problems we face with different irrigation systems are typically caused by:

  • Water pressure. Sometimes, the water pressure of your irrigation system can get thrown off, causing your system to either use too much or too little pressure to deliver your water, and both can be detrimental to your garden.
  • Damaged or malfunctioning sprinkler heads. Your sprinkler head could be malfunctioning based on a technical issue or a physical issue. Either way, making sure your sprinkler heads are in working order is extremely important.
  • Water distribution issues. Occasionally, a clogged or cracked pipe can cause the dispersal of water throughout the system to vary. Depending on the root source of the problem, these distribution issues can be a big problem.
  • Improper seals on water valves. Your valves should never be dripping, and if they begin dripping, this could be a sign of debris in your pipes, or improper seals around the pipes in your system. Making sure these issues are promptly addressed can help keep your system in proper working order.
  • Water pricing. If your monthly water bill suddenly becomes higher than expected, you might have a leak in your irrigation system. To make sure you save money, taking note of any of these spikes is crucial when looking for irrigation system maintenance.
  • Dirty water. Depending on the age of your system, dirty or discolored water coming from your pipes could mean you need a section of your irrigation system, or sometimes the whole system, replaced.

Contact Us for Irrigation System Maintenance

Regardless of how big or small the problem with your system appears to be, making sure you stay on top of any issues with your irrigation system is the first step to making sure it stays in working order for longer. Whether it’s a small drip from a valve or brown water coming through your sprinkler system, be sure to contact our team for any preventative maintenance and system questions you might have.

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