Prepping Your Garden for the End Of Summer

Prepping Your Garden for the End Of Summer

With the end of summer approaching fast, getting your garden ready for colder weather is crucial for maintaining it during the fall and winter months. Frosty mornings, colder nights, and a decrease in daylight hours can change the way your garden functions. Without the proper care, these seasonal effects can harm your natural landscape’s functionality and appearance if not adequately protected. Here are the easiest and most effective tips for keeping your yard safe once cooler weather hits.

Cover Your Garden Beds

Low-lying garden beds, especially annual flowers and more petite, herbaceous plants, need to be protected from the cold. Covering your flower beds with tarps, mulch, or even cardboard can help preserve these delicate plants and keep them safe over frostier winters.

Turn Your Sprinkler System Off

Cold weather and plumbing do not mix well, especially regarding your sprinkler system. Between cracked pipes to complete system shutdowns, making sure your sprinklers are turned off and drained before any cold weather systems are crucial to keeping them free of damage.

Keep Your Grass Manicured

It may seem like a purely cosmetic detail, but ensuring your grass is well-manicured as far into the season possible can help keep your lawn looking gorgeous even after intense snowfall. Longer grass, combined with the pressure and lack of sunlight caused by snow covers, creates brown patches in your lawn, which are exceedingly hard to fix without resodding.

Keeping Your Garden Beautiful All Year Round

When it comes to maintaining your garden, the onset of cold weather can be stressful, especially for landscaping designs with more temperature-susceptible foliage and florals. Fortunately, there are ways to combat the cold, helping you save your plants from the cold and maintain their beauty for future warmer seasons. Carol’s Colors Landscaping can help you create an excellent outdoor landscape design that can outlast the cold and look beautiful during any season. For all of your landscaping needs or for help preparing your landscaping for the colder months, visit our website and contact our team today.