The Best Patio Materials

The Best Patio Materials

Medford Landscaper

A nice patio can extend your living spaces into the yard and give you a relaxing place to sit outside in the summer. There are a few materials patios can be made from, but they’re not all created equal. Here are the top patio building materials, and the reason why you might want them.


Concrete is an easy material to build with because it’s versatile and durable. As long as you have a good mold, the concrete can take whatever shape and appearance you need it to. It’s the most traditional option available to you, and it costs only about $3-$8 dollars a foot, depending on who you ask.


Another popular and durable choice, brick patios have the benefit of coming in different colors and patterns depending on what you need. The bricks cost as much as the concrete tends to, but you can add the bricks yourself if you’re on a budget rather than hiring a professional.


Another stone with a variety of color options, flagstone makes use of rocks from local rock quarries, so the exact selection will vary between regions. They’re also entirely natural, and come in distinct shapes as well. However, using flagstone comes with labor costs, and may take longer to design due to the lack of distinct patterns and different sizes and shapes of the stones.


Once mostly coming in gray colors, pavers now have a wider variety than ever before, and can bring a more natural look to your patio. Like the bricks, they can be placed in different patterns depending on the look you want, however, like flagstone, you’ll need help to get the job done.

Contact Carol’s Colors Landscaping

Carol’s Colors Landscaping can help you build your patio with whatever material you’d prefer, so that your yard can look as stunning as you want it to. Contact us and see what we can do.