Make The Most Of Your Late Summer Yard

Make The Most Of Your Late Summer Yard

How To Maximize Your Yard This Summer And Prep For Fall

Summer’s end is always a bittersweet time. As the nights grow a little cooler and a little longer, many people begin to think about kids going back to school and the impending autumn. Unfortunately, many folks begin to neglect their landscaping at this time of year, too.

While it was exciting to design your landscaping in May, now it might feel fruitless to continue to keep up. What’s more, end of summer vacations, festivals, and parties often get in the way of routine maintenance. Despite the fact that the season is winding down, there is still a lot you can do to squeeze the last bit of beauty out of your yard and prepare for fall at the same time.

Plant Annuals

Late summer is a great time for annuals, as they often last longer than expected. Many annuals can even last until the first frost, which for us in Medford might not be until November. Planting new pops of color in your yard is well worth your time. 

Keep Up With Weeding 

 The more weeding you do now, the less of a mess you will have when fall comes. Make it a point to weed your garden at least once a week, or have a landscaper come by to do it for you. Next spring, your plants will thank you.

Trim, Trim, Trim 

By now, your spring flowers and plants have likely reached their maximum size. Make sure to keep up with pruning and deadheading, so your plants can stay healthy and happy and your yard looks tidy.

Consider Bulbs

Some flowers, such as tulips, will flower in the springtime if you plant them in the fall. Now is the time to make your plans for spring tulips so you can have your bulbs ready for October.

Contact Carol’s Colors 

Here at Carol’s Colors, landscaping is our passion and we are happy to help you keep your yard looking pristine all year round. For more information, or to hire our services, contact us online today.