Just like the interior of your home, your outdoor space should be designed to provide beauty, relaxation, and enjoyment for your family. You’ve already invested in making your deck or patio homey with comfortable seating, plants, and maybe even an outdoor barbecue ...
Spring gets all the credit as the planting season, but fall is an equally wonderful time to work on your garden. The weather is more predictable, the warmer temperatures make soil easier to dig, and there’s no need to worry about the soil becoming flooded with torr...
Landscaping is a much more important part of selling your home than most people might think. In fact, a great landscape comes with a variety of different benefits when it comes to putting your home on the market. Whether you’re a realtor or a homeowner that’s rea...
Gardening is an amazing activity for people of all ages, whether old or young. It’s a peaceful way to take some time to yourself and connect with the earth, on top of being able to grow your own food. And while this year’s gardening seasons may be coming to an en...
How To Maximize Your Yard This Summer And Prep For Fall Summer’s end is always a bittersweet time. As the nights grow a little cooler and a little longer, many people begin to think about kids going back to school and the impending autumn. Unfortunately, many fol...
The Best Perennials For Your Medford Property Gardening is a joy, but also a time commitment. Each blooming garden or perfectly manicured lawn took many hours of labor and love to create, making the finished product even more impressive. Unfortunately, planting an i...
Diving into a new outdoor project is fun and exciting. Re-creating your space can drastically change the look and ambiance of your outdoor area. If you’re new to designing your space or you know the basics but want to advance, there are a few things you should keep...
We’ve had to get impressively creative this past year when it came to spending time inside and dealing with quarantine restrictions. All this time at home has led us to focus on our more immediate surroundings. DIY projects soared, and many people turned to their h...
Making Yourself a Zen Place Now more than ever before, it can be challenging to get away for some peace. With different restrictions and guidelines in place due to the pandemic, it is essential to have a place to escape. One simple escape to consider is convertin...